Amusing piece you have here.
Even more amusing considering that I can understand every word WITHOUT the subtitles.
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Amusing piece you have here.
Even more amusing considering that I can understand every word WITHOUT the subtitles.
zna4it tebe vezet)
Well, it's pretty, I'll give you that, but it looks like it should belong in deviantArt or something.
Out of curiosity, why is this rated +17? The Naruto on Toonami is WAY more violent, and they have no problem showing it before 10:00 P.M.
i dont know either....when i host he movie i rated as the violent too much.. i gess..
Yeah, um...
Sorry, fella, but someone already did that gag. I believe it's called "What if...?" where Samara climbes out of a... I'd rather not spoil. Nice effort though.
Ah but was the golfclub the one blessed by Cardinal glick from dogma?
I'm telling you this because you DON'T get it. You only THINK you get it, which is not the same as actually getting it. Get it?
Joined on 10/2/06